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Sunday, July 31, 2011

365 Project Day Twenty Three through Twenty Five

Day Twenty Three

Butterfly and a package.

I went out to get a package from Amazon on our porch and this butterfly was hanging out on the front porch too! I ran in and grabbed my camera and luckily he was still there! Love the vibrant colors!

Day Twenty Four


Favorite Day of the week.

Day Twenty Five


Mackenzie's new favorite thing is to cross her legs. She's such a lady!


Senior Photo Session- Megan

So I guess we would actually call these Megan's Freshman Photos...She graduated in May from BGA and actually just headed to Baylor University last weekend! I was super excited when her Mom asked me to take a couple more photos of Megan before she headed off to school. I loved hanging out with her in downtown Franklin and she is such a funny girl! She had me laughing pretty much the whole shoot. And she is beautiful too! She is an all around great girl! She will do great things at Baylor for sure! Now on to her photos :) Megan, Hope you like them and best of luck at school and with soccer!!

I told you she was gorgeous!

And like I said super funny!

Some shots at the park. LOVE the lighting in these! We had to dodge lots of walkers and runners to get some shots but it was totally worth it!

Then we headed downtown franklin. Love the Franklin Theatre shot!


Then Megan told me about a gorgeous spot right off of Hillsboro Rd. LOVE this location. I can't wait to take some fall shots here. And of course Megan looks gorgeous in these photos as well!!

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Friday, July 29, 2011

365 Project Day Twenty Two

Day Twenty Two


Wednesday, July 27, 2011

365 Project Day Twenty through Day Twenty One

Day Twenty

Fresh Paint.

Day Twenty One



Monday, July 25, 2011

365 Project Day Ten through Nineteen

Wow! It has been awhile since I last posted a 365 photo! Here are days 10-19. Most of the photos were taken while we were on vacation at Pawley's Island. We had a blast and it was so much fun taking Kenzie to the beach for the first time!

Day Ten

Megan's Senior Photo Session in Franklin.
I spent the morning with this super sweet young lady last Saturday. The weather was actually very nice which was a nice surprise for both of us! This photo was taken right off of Hillsboro Rd. Megan told me about this spot and I am in love with it now! The lighting was perfect and despite the traffic it was a perfect location!

Day Eleven


Mack and I at the beach!!

Day Twelve


My Sweet niece Addison!

Day Thirteen

Shrimp Boil

Yummy!! One of my favorite things to eat while at the beach!

Day Fourteen

My nephew, Connor, is 2 months old now! It just seems like yesterday that I did his newborn session. Click here to view his session.

Day Fifteen

Morning walk at Pawley's. Here is Mackenzie on the boardwalk!

Day Sixteen

My sweet Nephew Austin. He LOVED the beach especially the sand. There were a couple of times where he laid face first in it just to roll around in it! He is definitely all boy!! His energy is infectious and I loved seeing him and his mommy!

Day Seventeen

Beach Bum.

Mackenzie is not only sitting up now but she can sit on the sand too! Such a big girl!

All the cousins together!

Day Eighteen

Back home with Daddy. Mackenzie was so happy to see her daddy and to have some cuddle time with him after her bath.

Day Nineteen

First food for Kenzie! Mack had her first taste of rice cereal today and she loved it! She was not only trying to shark attack each bite but she was begging for more! It was too cute! Even though most of it did not make it in her mouth it was lots of fun for both Mackenzie and us!

Friday, July 15, 2011

365 Project Day Nine

Day Nine

The Beaner.

This ultrasound photo was taken exactly a year ago to the day and it has been on our fridge ever since. I still remember that appointment like it was yesterday. I was nine weeks pregnant and this was the first time that we got to hear Mackenzie's heart beat. It was a huge milestone! We were so proud that we hung it on the fridge so it could be a daily reminder that WE had a baby that was growing and healthy. It was also around this time that we nicknamed her the beaner, because of how she looked in the ultrasound photos. We prayed every night that God would continue to take care of our little beaner and bring her to us healthy and strong. Now a year later we could not be more blessed. Our baby girl is growing strong and has made our lives better in so many ways!! We love you our little beaner!

Thursday, July 14, 2011

365 Project: Day Eight

Day Eight.

Sleeping Beauty.

Nothing is more precious than a baby that is sound asleep. I should have been using this time to pack but of course I decided to grab my camera and take some photos. Poor Mackenzie can't even sleep without getting her photo taken :)


Wednesday, July 13, 2011

365 Project: Day Seven

Day Seven.

Long List.

Mackenzie and I will be joining my family at Pawley's Island next week for a week!! We can't wait! We are super sad that Tim won't be able to come though. He has to use all of his vacation for school so it will just be Mack and I road tripping to South Carolina! We will be joining my mom, my stepdad, three of my sisters, and three of their kids! It is going to be one full house! I just started making our packing list and so far it is two pages long....I didn't pack light prior to having a kid so now it is only worse :)


Tuesday, July 12, 2011

365 Project: Day Six

Day Six

One word...Disgusting! I hate this heat!


Monday, July 11, 2011

365- Day Five

Day Five

Flowers and Fish.

Not only do I have the sweetest hubby for surprising me with flowers but he also found fried fish that is dairy and soy free!! I know that sounds weird that I am excited about fish but I am on a soy and dairy free diet since Mackenzie is having a dairy and soy intolerance and it is SOOOO exciting when we find new food that I can eat. So I think it is super thoughtful that Tim walked around Whole Foods looking for something new for me to eat :) I am one lucky girl! Love my hubby!!


Sunday, July 10, 2011

365 project Day One-Four

I have decided to attempt to take a photo a day over the next year. Many photographers do this for many reasons and I mostly want to do it to enhance my skills by practicing everyday. I think it will be pretty cool to look back at the end of the project and see what happened over the course of year day by day! I mean I usually can't remember what happened 2 hours ago so this will definitely help me remember half of 2011 and 2012. Time moves too fast to not document something that occurs each day :) Hope you follow me on this journey over the next 365 days. Please feel free to comment on the photos too!

Day One

Imagination Library.

Me being the book nerd I am, I was super excited when Mackenzie got her first book from the Imagination Library. Dolly Parton has a non profit organization that gives all children in tennessee a book a month from birth until age 5. How amazing is that!! I believe it is available in some locations outside of tennessee as well. Click on the link above to see if your community has a program. I think Dolly is wonderful for starting this program!! What a great way to help little ones learn to read and to hopefully learn to love to read as well.

Day Two


OK. So I promise every photo will not be of Mackenzie... I chose this one because she is beginning to become more and more interested and aware of the world around her. She not only wants to grab everything but she wants to taste it as well. I love this one because she has such an intense look on her face while trying to figure out what this toy does!

Day Three


Hopefully you are still with me ;) See I told you they would not all be of Mackenzie! Here are some wonderful blackberries from Delvin Farms. We get a bi-weekly CSA from them and LOVE it. Check them out here!

Yellow Jubilee

So Day Three has two photos just because I love watermelon!

Day Four


Our first baby girl turned 5 yesterday! That means she is 37 in human years; making her the oldest in the house!


Wednesday, July 6, 2011

First ever giveaway for Jessica Ranae Photography! Win a free photo session!

Starting today refer as many friends as you can to Jessica Ranae Photography’s fan page and have them leave a comment titled “Referred by (your name)”. They must become a fan in order to leave a comment.

If they don’t leave a comment I will not know who referred them, and it won’t count. The direct link to my page is

For every person that refers you you get a point. And for bonus points, If the person you referred then suggests the page to their friends, and their friends leave a comment saying who referred them, then both the original referrer and the friend each get a point.

The person with the most “points” at the end of the contest wins a free session!

-Photo session must be within 50 miles of zip code 37174.
-The referred friends must be new fans, not current ones in order for the referral to count.
- Free Session must be redeemed in 2011.
-Deadline is July 15th, at midnight CST.

Post this post as your facebook status and have your friends click like to get started to help you win an free session!

And what would a blog post be without a picture. Here's a photo of sweet baby Zafer.

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Monday, July 4, 2011

Zafer Sneak Peek- 7 days old

Meet baby Zafer. I love his name! Think of the word offer and add a Z on the front. Super cute right? I love it! I met him and his mommy for this first time during this session. They are both super sweet and I had a great time hanging out with them and taking some photos of this sweet baby boy. He was super alert for the first part of the session but we did get him to sleep and then he slept like a baby and let us take some sweet sleeping pics of him. Here are a couple of my favorites!

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